Answers to frequently asked questions about a career with the New Hampshire State Police.

FAQ List
Trooper Recruitment

 How can I prepare myself for future employment as a New Hampshire State Trooper?

You should focus on these areas:

  • Conduct – Avoid criminal or unethical behavior, drive responsibly, avoid illegal drugs, consume alcohol lawfully and responsibly. Participation in illegal and immoral acts and excessive motor vehicle collisions and/or violations can disqualify a candidate from the application process.
  • Education – Pursue higher education; attain certifications in specialty areas such as CPR, first aid, second language, or other relevant skills.
  • Experience – Be a reliable and responsible employee, engage in volunteer service, and show your commitment by being involved in the community. Consider gaining military and/or law enforcement experience.
  • Finances – Demonstrate financial independence, responsibility and security. Avoid late payments, overdrafts and excessive debt compared to earnings, and maintain a good credit rating.
  • Physical Fitness – Stay fit; join a gym or athletic team. Keeping physically active will assist you in the recruitment testing process and also ensure you successfully earn and maintain police officer certification.

Where can I find information on civilian positions with the New Hampshire State Police?

You can look online at the State Police civilian employment page.

 If I have any questions that I cannot find the answer to on this website, where can I go to get more information?

Please contact the Recruitment and Training Unit at (603) 223-3866 or via e-mail at recruitment@dos.nh.gov.

FAQ List
Trooper Application Process

Do I need to live in New Hampshire to be a New Hampshire State Trooper?

A candidate does not need to be a resident of New Hampshire during the application process, but an appointee will be required to establish residency within his/her assigned troop and patrol by the end of his/her field training program.

Do you have a minimum age or maximum age?

A candidate must be at least 21 years of age on the scheduled date of the physical agility test administration. There is no maximum age.

When and how often do I need to travel to New Hampshire during the testing process?

All candidate testing is conducted in Concord, NH. You are required to appear for the physical agility and written tests, both of which are conducted on the selected test date. If selected, you are then required to report for an oral board interview. Following a conditional offer of employment, candidates are then required to appear at the end of the application process for a polygraph examination, personal interview with the Director of State Police, psychological examination, medical examination and drug screening.

My vision does not satisfy the NHSP requirement. When am I required to have it adjusted/fixed?

Candidates’ eyesight must be at least 20/100 in each eye uncorrected and corrected to 20/40 (near vision) and 20/30 (distant vision) in each eye, with normal uncorrected color and depth perception, at the time of the physical agility test.

Is the Division accepting applications for Trooper?

Yes, we are testing to fill current and future vacancies in the New Hampshire State Police.

Do I need a New Hampshire Driver’s license when applying to be a New Hampshire State Trooper?

A candidate does not need to possess a New Hampshire Driver’s license. An appointee must obtain a New Hampshire driver’s license and registration within 60 days of establishing residency in New Hampshire.

How long is the process from the initial filing of the application to hire date?

The whole process ranges from candidate to candidate. Minimally, the process takes a few months, and technically the scores are active for two years.

When is the next test date, and how can I apply?

Updated test dates are posted on the Testing Calendar page. Interested applicants should visit the employment opportunities section of the New Hampshire Department of Safety's website for details regarding available positions. Applicants must submit appropriate documentation (copy of official transcripts, proof of police certification, and/or verification of military service) with their applications to continue in the recruitment process.

I applied for the most recent testing cycle, but cannot attend the exam. Is there an opportunity for me to take a make-up exam?

If you wish to be scheduled for a future exam date, you must submit a new application complete with documentation supporting your qualifications.

How can I prepare for the physical agility test?

The physical agility test consists of three categories: sit-ups, push-ups, and 1.5-mile run. A recommendation is to practice the events in order with only brief rest periods between the events.

Is there a recommended study guide for the written examination?

The written examination will be administered at the Police Standards and Training Council Academy and candidates will be afforded one and three-quarter hours to complete this portion of the testing process.  The examination consists of 75 questions, designed to measure requisite skills for entry-level police work, assessing basic skills in arithmetic, reading comprehension, grammar, and incident report writing.  A score of 70% is required to advance in the recruitment process.  Calculators will not be necessary and will not be allowed into the testing environment.  You will need only to bring a ball point pen in order to take the examination.

The examination format is the National Police Officer Selection Test, or POST, by Stanard and Associates, and both a study guide and practice examinations are available online. Note: The study guide does not view well on mobile devices, so if you choose to purchase access, do so only while using a laptop or desktop computer. Go to https://www.applytoserve.com/Study/ to access the study guide and practice examinations.  Access to the Study guide and practice examinations, which are transactions strictly between you and Stanard and Associates, costs $5.00 for the study guide and $15.00 for the practice examination

How do I apply as an out-of-state resident?

The application process is the same for an in-state and out-of-state resident.

Can you recommend hotels that are near the testing facility?

The following hotels are in the Concord area and are within a few minutes drive of the testing facility:

Training to Become a Trooper

How long is the Academy?

The Academy is 16 weeks long and the program is delivered at the Police Standards and Training facility.


How can I prepare for the academy?

You should remain in top physical condition, and also prepare your immediate family members for your absence.

Do recruits live at the academy?

The 16 weeks are residential. You will report on Monday mornings and be dismissed on Friday afternoons.

Will I be paid while attending the academy?

Yes. All students of the academy are employed by their respective agencies.

As a certified police officer, can I transfer from another agency and if so would I have to complete the entire state police academy?

f you are currently serving as a certified, academy-trained, full-time police officer in another state, you may be eligible to have some subjects waived in the Academy and only attend approximately 100 hours of commuter “New Hampshire Law Package” training, and pass tests on these modules. You will also be required to pass the Academy’s on-going physical fitness test every 3 years to maintain your New Hampshire certification. The Police Standards and Training Council is reciprocal with all other states in the U.S. and recognizes their training if it is at least equal in scope. Any classes you did not have in your state of origin, you may be required to take in the Academy. If your First Aid/CPR certificate has expired, this training will also be required. If the analysis of your out-of-state training requires you to take the equivalent of 30% of the total Academy hours, you will be required to attend the entire Academy.

The New Hampshire Police Standards and Training Council does not recognize Federal or military police training.

Do I get to choose which troop I am assigned to?

An offer of employment includes an assignment to a specific troop and patrol area. Assignments are based on the needs of the Division first, with consideration given to an employee’s preference.


I am currently serving in the military. Do I have to be discharged before I can start the application process?

No, but a statement of service letter should be submitted with your application in lieu of a DD Form 214.

If I served in the military, do I receive veteran’s preference points?

Possibly. Points can be added to a passing score on the written exam. War veterans get 5 points and disabled veterans receive 10 points. Proof of eligibility for veteran’s preference must be submitted with the application.

Can I stay in the military reserves if selected as a Trooper?

Yes, the New Hampshire State Police supports personnel who have military reserves commitments. The Division was a 2007 recipient of the Freedom Award, which recognizes employer support of the Guard and Reserve.

Benefits, Equipment, etc.

Can I join the State Police and immediately begin a special unit assignment?

Special unit assignments will not be considered within the probationary year. Otherwise, special unit assignments are based on several factors to include length of service, work performance, and Division needs, to name a few.

What is the starting pay of a Trooper?

The starting salary range for a State Police Trooper I position is approximately $66,000-$90,000. In addition to their salary, Troopers are eligible for overtime and $25.00 per week diverse duty pay ($1300.00 annually). When a Trooper I has achieved a combined total of ten (10) years of full-time certified law enforcement experience, he/she is eligible to apply for allocation to the Trooper II labor grade.  Approval does not incur a promotion, as one is only eligible to attain the rank of Trooper II (Trooper First Class) upon completion of ten (10) years of service with the New Hampshire State Police and other applicable criteria.

When do insurance benefits begin?

On the first of the month, following one full month of employment. For example, if someone begins employment on March 15th, his/her insurance benefits will begin on May 1st.

Do I have to buy my uniform and equipment?

Upon appointment, the Division will provide you with uniforms, belts, boots, shoes and all other necessary equipment.

Do I have to report to the barracks at the start of my shift?

No. Once released to "solo" status, Troopers are assigned their own cruiser which they are permitted to take home.